We Preach Christ Crucified

     “We preach Christ crucified” - 1 Cor 1:23 

    In keeping with the apostle Paul, I proclaim the only message from God that will, if blessed of the Spirit, meet the needs of all who hear me.  “Christ and Him crucified” is pardon to the guilty, clothing to the naked, rest to the weary, water to the thirsty, bread to the hungry, ransom to the slave, liberty to the bondman, cleansing to the filthy, righteousness to the sinful and peace to the troubled.  To those who are spiritually sick, I preach “Christ crucified,” the Great Physician; to the sorrowful, He is the Comforter; to the lost sheep, He is the seeking Shepherd; to the fallen, He is the Advocate.  To the weak, I preach Christ our strength; to the despairing, Christ our Hope; to the lonely, Christ our Friend; to the afflicted, Christ our Helper; to the anxious, Christ our solid Rock; to the faint, Christ our Preserver; to the needy, Christ our Provider; to the bereaved, Christ our Resurrection.  To a lost sinner, I preach “Christ crucified” the way to God; to the ignorant, Christ the Truth; to the spiritually dead, Christ the Life.

     Yes, “we preach Christ crucified” for no other message is worth preaching or hearing.  No other message is as honoring to the Father, no other message will do poor sinners like you and me any everlasting good and no other message will prepare us to meet a holy God at the judgment.

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