Good Works

    There is a contention always going on about the doctrine of good works; and, instead of taking one side or the other, we shall try to see whether there really is anything to quarrel over if we keep to the Scriptures. We insist, with all our might, that salvation is “not of works, lest any man should boast.” But, on the other hand, we freely admit and earnestly teach that “without holiness no man shall see the Lord.” Where there are no good works, there is no indwelling of the Spirit of God. That faith which does not produce obedience, good works, and genuine love is not saving faith. Good works must and will be in the believer. They are not the root, but the fruit of God’s salvation. They are not the way of the believer’s salvation; they are his walk in the way of salvation. The desire of men created anew in Christ is to be rid of all sin. We do sin, but we do not love sin. Sin gets power over us sometimes to our sorrow, yet it shall not have dominion over us; for we are not under the law, but under grace. The old nature goes after the flesh, for it is fleshly; but the new nature truly seeks the things of God, for it is spiritual. If you have been created anew, you have been created unto good works. If this is not so with us, then our religion is a mere pretense.

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