The Beauty of Christ

    As for us, my brethren, the beauty of Christ is such that if we go into a barn to worship, we are quite as satisfied as though it were a cathedral, with grained arches and glowing windows.

    Such is the beauty of Christ in our eyes, that we are quite content to hear of him without the pealing organ and the swell of Gregorian chants; and we are even satisfied though there should be no display of taste, nothing sensuous and scenic, nothing to please the eye or charm the ear.

    Jesus alone affords our mind all that delightful architecture, poetry, and music could profess to give. And when our soul gets near to him, she looks upon all 'outward adornments' as mere child's toys, fit to amuse the rattle-brains of this poor idiot world; but vain gewgaws to men in Christ Jesus, who by reason of use, have had their senses trained, and learned to delight in nobler things than those in which the swine of this earth delight themselves.

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