How to Know if the Message Preached is the Gospel
Someone may ask, "How may we know that the message preached is the true gospel of God?" I would reply:
- Does it exalt the sovereign mercy of God as the only and entire reason and cause of salvation?
- Does it humble man in the dust of inability and reveal his total spiritual deadness?
- Does it provide a perfect righteousness before God's holiness and a suitable atonement and sacrifice before God's justice, enabling God to be just and justifier?
- Does it shut every door but Christ, bar every way but Christ, destroy every hope but Christ, and present Him, not His finished work, but CHRIST HIMSELF as our life, hope, salvation, and acceptance before the Father?
Yes, then, this is "the true gospel of God."
Henry Mahan (1926-2019) served as a teacher and pastor of 13th Street Baptist Church in Ashland Kentucky, USA.
Published: Sep, 4 2021 Updated: Sep, 4 2021
Views: 124