Washed in the Same Blood

    The principle of true love to the brethren, is the love of God, that love which produceth obedience (1 John 5:2). "By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God, and keep His commandments."  When people are free to form their connections and friendships, the ground of their communion is in a sameness of inclination.  The love spoken of is spiritual.  The children of God, who therefore stand in the relation of brethren to each other, though they have too many unhappy differences in points of smaller importance, agree in the supreme love they bear to their heavenly Father, and to Jesus their Saviour; of course they agree in disliking and avoiding sin, which is contrary to the will and command of the God whom they love and worship.  Upon these accounts they love one another, they are like-minded; and they live in a world where the bulk of mankind are against them, have no regard to their Beloved, and live in the sinful practices which His grace has taught them to hate.  Their situation, therefore, increases their affection to each other.  They are washed by the same blood, supplied by the same grace, opposed by the same enemies, and have the same heaven in view; therefore, they love one another with a pure heart fervently.

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