Christ's School of Grace

"He opened their understanding, that they might understand the scriptures"  - Luke 24:45

    Christ not only opens up the Scriptures for those of us that believe, but He also opens up our understanding of them.  Many people can open up their bible, but only one person alone can open up the understanding that must accompany it.  The Lord has given us many preachers and sermons that can bring the scriptures to our minds, but only Christ can open our minds and understanding so that we can truly believe the truth.  That Gospel preacher may be able to instruct the ears of his hearers, but it is the Lord that instructs the heart.  And that instruction will produce a love for the truth.

    I'm amazed at how many intelligent people of profound education that exist which are completely ignorant of the things of God.  And then I look and I see His Kingdom, and realize that the most uneducated often become the most skilled scholars under Christ's tutelage.  It is the Lord that reveals the mysteries of His eternal Kingdom.  The carnal man is blinded to the truth, is deaf, and has a veil over his heart.  He cannot understand God's ways.

    And I remember when I was that way.  I'm sure you can remember that too.  We were all that way.  We were completely blind, but now we see!  The truth was a mystery to us.  We were just ignorant!   But the Lord, who is rich in mercy, He taught us through the Holy Spirit at the only place where we can learn.... At His School of Grace.  Oh, there are schools that can teach people what they should believe.   But only our Lord can teach us how to believe and then enable us to believe.  "And we know that the Son of God is come, and hath given us an understanding, that we may know him that is true, and we are in him that is true, even in his Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God, and eternal life." - 1 John 5:20

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