Attitude Toward Others

    Nothing reveals the true state of my heart, my relationship with God, and my understanding of the gospel quite like my daily, general ATTITUDE toward others, toward God’s providence, and toward my lot in life. It is one thing to be discouraged occasionally, to get upset, to disagree with someone, to feel neglected, or even to withdraw for a time to reflect on the matters at hand. But it is quite another thing to CONTINUE in a negative attitude, pouting and feeling sorry for myself, neglecting to exhort and encourage others, and showing by my countenance and conduct that I am not happy with the way things are.

    “Let not the sun go down on thy wrath,” clearly teaches that we are NOT to allow wrath, misunderstanding, nor bad feelings to continue!  Let it be over when the day is over.  Forgive as you are forgiven and give of yourself to make this difficult journey easier for others.  The church of the Lord Jesus Christ is a family working together, living together, and functioning as one body for the glory of God and the good of the whole.  It is very important that every member of that body be in harmony.  I believe if a member is in harmony with the HEAD, he will certainly be in harmony with the rest of the body.  Christ is not divided!  “He that hath ears to hear, LET HIM HEAR.”

Topics: Church Bulletin Articles Neo-Gnosticism
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