Can Anyone Here Quote Romans 8:28 For Us?
Free Grace among Baptists in the South

    The young assistant pastor, Henry Mahan, stood and quoted the verse leaving out the last phrase. Barnard asked Mahan if that was all he knew of that verse. Mahan said, "yes"! Then Barnard said, "Let me quote the verse for you". He began quoting the verse slowly, "for all things work together for good to those who love the Lord, to those called according to his", then when he came to the word purpose he bellowed at the top of his voice that word purpose through the public address system. That rivetted the attention of that Easter Sunday morning crowd. Then he looked at the young Mahan and said, "young man, when you understand the meaning of that word purpose you will have the key that unlocks the book of Romans and the whole Bible."

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