Sovereign Grace

Sovereign grace, a gift divine
God's predestination, forever mine
In the everlasting covenant of grace
I find my hope and my place

Christ's atoning blood, my salvation's key
His substitution, the only way for me
To be reconciled with God above
And share in His eternal love

Oh the depth of His grace and mercy
That He would send His Son for me
To bear the weight of sin and shame
And rise again, to claim my name

By His death and resurrection
I am made a new creation
Made aware by His loving hand
I'm a child of God, a member of His clan

Sovereign grace, oh how sweet
It flows like a river, at my feet
It lifts me up, it sets me free
And fills my heart with joy and glee

I am grateful, I am blessed
To be a part of His great quest
To bring salvation to His elect
To all who will believe and are kept

Sovereign grace, oh how grand
It fills my life with hope and grandeur
It leads me on, it guides my way
To live in love and serve each day

So I will sing, I will praise
The One who saved me by His grace
And I will share, I will proclaim
The good news of Jesus' holy name.

Topics: Brandan's Poetry
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