The Doctrines of Grace, They Help Us Indeed

Calvinism, the Doctrines of Grace, TULIP too,
Are fuller expressions of the Gospel, true and true, 
One need not understand all the implications to believe,
All that's needed is to turn from striving, and to Christ receive.

To recognize our need for cleansing from sin,
And to look to Christ alone, to cleanse outwardly and in, 
This is the Gospel, in its simplest form, 
And the five points of Calvinism, it does adorn.

His Election, limited atonement, drawing grace, and our depravity, 
Perseverance, His righteousness, all part of the key, 
To understand and embrace these teachings when presented,
Is to believe the Gospel, and in Christ be contented.

So let us cling to the cross, with nothing in our hands,
Simply trust in Christ alone, and on His love depend,
For in Him we find salvation, and all that we need,
And the Doctrines of Grace, they help us indeed.

Topics: Brandan's Poetry
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