There is Only ONE Who Should be Called Reverend

There is only ONE who should be called reverend,
The One who inhabits eternity,
His name is Jesus, holy and pure,
And no one else should have this dignity.

But men and women today seek this title,
Elevating themselves above the rest,
Creating a distinction, church and laity,
Which should not be, but has become the test.

For all of God's people are in the same boat,
Saved by the work of Christ on the cross,
Justified and righteous, in Him they boast,
And all are ministers of His truth.

But Christ Himself has told us not to take,
Titles such as master or teacher on ourselves,
We are to serve one another, for His sake,
And not set ourselves up above.

We have been given the righteousness of Christ,
And we are not holy in and of ourselves,
It is His name that is holy and reverend,
And all of His people will worship and reverence.

So let us not desire preeminence amongst men,
But instead serve the Lord in humility,
Thanking Him for His care and leading us straight,
And let us honor our great Shepherd, REVEREND is His name.

Topics: Brandan's Poetry
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