Prayer Arithmetic, a Practice of Old

Prayer arithmetic, a practice of old,
Counting words and time, never growing bold.
Hypocrites who love to pray in public view,
For the praise of men, their reward is due.

But our Lord, He taught a different way,
Enter your closet, pray in secret and be heard today.
Vain repetitions, He does not desire,
For your Father knows your needs, before you even inquire.

He is not concerned with the length of our prayers,
Or the rhetoric and harmony that we share.
Not moved by logic or the company we keep,
But the heart, the Lord, He does truly seek.

So let us pray in Christ's name,
And for His sake, let our joy remain.
For through the Spirit, we are enabled to pray,
And our Father in heaven, He hears us today.

Forget the math, the show and the fame,
The Lord desires true hearts, praying in Jesus' name.
And in that, our joy shall be complete,
For our prayers are heard, our Father’s answers oh so sweet. 

Topics: Brandan's Poetry
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