We are Secure in You, our Faithful King

The Lord, He stands with power and might,
His sovereignty and love in sight.
No change can be seen in Him,
His unchanging grace and truth, a constant win.

He declares, "I am the Lord,"
No other can compare, He is adored.
His self-existence, independent and strong,
He stands forever, nothing can go wrong.

The sons of Jacob, they're not consumed,
His love and faithfulness they're imbued.
They know their Lord will not change,
His promises and covenant will always arrange.

Psalm 89 rings with truth and grace,
The Lord's love and mercy, we cannot replace.
Though we may stray, He will not depart,
His lovingkindness and faithfulness, an ever-present heart.

John 10 brings such joy and peace,
The Lord's hand holds us, we will never cease.
Eternal life, with Christ we share,
Forever safe, beyond compare.

Oh Lord, we trust in Your unchanging love,
Your sovereignty and grace, from heaven above.
We are secure in You, our faithful King,
Forever and always, Your praises we'll sing.

Topics: Brandan's Poetry
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