Our Religious Pride, the Most Grievous Traitor

Our greatest hindrance in ministry, 
Is not the lack of talent or ability,
But rather our sinful behavior,
Our religious pride, the most grievous traitor.

Resting in Christ's finished work,
We have no right to act like a jerk,
To bang non-believers over the head,
With self-righteousness and religious dread.

Instead, let sympathy and concern fill our heart,
For those who live in sin and are torn apart,
Whether a drug addict, criminal or false religionist,
Our approach should be one of love and kindness.

Our actions and speech must not repel,
But rather invite and show them the way to excel,
In the knowledge of Christ, the only soul winner,
Without our sanctimonious opinions to hinder.

Preaching the truth is what we should do,
Leaving judgment and condemnation for the Lord to pursue,
We have no authority to act like a Pharisee,
For our life in Christ is about relationship, not just a doctrine to decree.

So let us put aside our religious pride,
And go into our prayer closet to abide,
Studying the Scriptures, with humility and grace,
And proclaiming the Gospel with love, as we run the race.

Topics: Brandan's Poetry
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