Clothe Yourself with Humility
Clothe yourself with humility, my friend,
For God resists the proud till the end,
And grace is given to humble hearts,
Who from their pride are made to depart.
Be humbled under His mighty hand,
That He may exalt you in His command,
For those who boast in their own glory,
Shall fall short of His eternal story.
The Gospel, meant to humble and teach,
Is twisted by some for their own reach,
Using it to boost their own pride,
In their knowledge they seek to hide.
But let us be like babes in His sight,
Receiving truth only from His light,
And let us boast in the cross alone,
In Christ who for us has atoned.
So, let humility clothe your soul,
And pride be crushed under His control,
For only then can we truly see,
The beauty of Christ and His majesty.
Topics: Brandan's Poetry
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