Our Pride Monster
Pride, a monster lurking deep within,
Feeds on theological debate and sin.
It whispers in our ear, "you're always right,"
Blinding us to our faults and inner light.
The cynic's eye sees error everywhere,
With fault-finding as its constant affair.
It seeks to divide and tear apart,
Striving to break the unity of heart.
But let us not be consumed by pride,
Let love and compassion be our guide.
Encouragement, not fault-finding, let us sow,
With hearts full of love, and Christ aglow.
For when we seek to satisfy our thirst,
With Christ, our pride monster is reversed.
With eyes fixed on Him, our hearts full of grace,
We can confront error with a gentle embrace.
So let us seek to kill our pride monster within,
And not be nitpickers, but lovers of kin.
May our hearts overflow with joy and love,
As we seek His glory like a pleasant dove.
Topics: Brandan's Poetry
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