Do You Feel a Burning in Your Soul?

Do you feel a burning in your soul
To preach the truth, to make it whole?
Do you hear the call, the zealous plea,
To proclaim the Gospel fearlessly?

But what is this calling that you hear?
To preach what, to whom, and where?
Is it for financial gain and fame,
Or for the love of Christ and His name?

Martin Luther, he knew the call,
To preach the Gospel, to stand tall,
He cared not for riches or praise,
But only for the truth to blaze.

If you're truly called to preach,
It's not for money, it's not for reach,
It's to proclaim the Gospel clear,
To those who'll listen, to those near.

You don't need eloquence or skill,
Just speak the truth, and do God's will,
It's not about becoming a pastor or priest,
But about the Gospel, the greatest feast.

Don't expect a salary or fame,
Don't play the world's money game,
But expect to be misunderstood,
And even hated, as Christ's own blood.

For the message you bring is not of man,
But of the Sovereign, Almighty's plan,
It's a message of salvation true,
Of Christ's work, not what we do.

So if you're truly called to preach,
It's not for gain or earthly reach,
It's for the love of Christ and His Word,
To proclaim His truth, undeterred.

Topics: Brandan's Poetry
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