I Will Give Unto Him That Is Athirst
Rev 22:17

     It is not good for people to spend their lives seeking God and not finding peace in Him. It is not good that we should be ever learning and never able to rest in the knowledge of Christ. It is not good to be always doubting, and when asked about our doubts to make the untrue excuse, "Oh, I am not doubting God, I am only doubting myself," No! It is God who promised life in Christ, and it is God whom we are doubting. He said, "I am Alpha an Omega, the beginning and the end, I WILL GIVE UNTO HIM THAT IS ATHRIST OF THE FOUNTAIN OF THE WATER OF LIFE FREELY." (Rev. 21:6). "And let him that is athirst come, and whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely" (Rev. 22:17). Of this promise BONAR wrote, "Thirsty one, it is with the WATER and not the VESSEL that our souls need to be concerned! It is not the quality of your vessel, but the quality of the water of life (Christ Jesus) that satisfies, sanctifies, and purifies! And he whose pride will not allow him to drink from a weak, soiled, and broken vessel (such is the best faith) must die of thirst; and he who puts away the promise of reconciliation because of imperfect faith must die the death." He who says, "I believe the right doctrine, but I don't believe it in the right way; therefore, I can't have peace" is looking totally in the wrong direction and will never find peace.

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