The Oneness of All Believers

     "That they all may be one: as Thou, Father, are in me, and I in Thee, that they also may be one in us" (John 17:21). I know that there is a oneness between the Father and the Son in nature, essence, power, and purpose which transcends any kind of union among men. But our Lord prays that "all believers may be one; as Thou, Father, art in me, and I in Thee." So here on this earth, WE ARE ONE IN FAITH. We all believe Christ, receive Christ, and agree in the main point of the gospel--salvation only in, by, and through our Lord Jesus. WE ARE ONE IN AFFECTION. He is our first love; but, by His grace, we do love one another and are forever knit together in that love. WE HAVE ONE COMMON GOAL–the glory of our blessed Lord. In works of faith and labors of love, in trials or in prosperity, in giving or receiving our song is the same, "To God be the glory." WE HAVE THE SAME CARE ONE FOR ANOTHER (I Cor. 12:26), "and when one member of His body suffers, all the members of the body suffer with it; or if one member of His body be honored (fulfilled and happy), all the members rejoice with it." AND BY THIS SHALL ALL MEN KNOW THAT YOU ARE MY DISCIPLES!

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