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1252 results for Pristine Grace(0.3121 seconds) whom we have received grace and apostleship to bring about the obedience of faith among all the Gentiles for His name's sake among whom you also are the called of Jesus Christ to all who are beloved of God in Rome called as saints: Grace to you an...
Unlisted Length: Very Short
Eileen Beckett Length: Very Short
... the Gospel of Sovereign Grace thinking that salvation is up to a free will decision Martin Luther wrote that if any man ascribes anything of salvation even the very least thing to the free will of man he knows nothing of grace and he has not learned...
Brandan Kraft Length: Very Short some in the sovereign grace camp who in my opinion are resting in their abilities to repeat what they have determined is their formula for obtaining salvation Formulism is a popular form of works righteousness usually found within the free-will ca...
Brandan Kraft Length: Very Short
...ner continue to pray for grace to CONTINUE to believe to the salvation of my soul Hebrews 10:38-39 There is nothing wrong with examining our faith to ensure that it is genuine There is nothing wrong with examining our beliefs to root out wrong ideas ...
Brandan Kraft Length: Very Short
...stant supplies of Divine grace In private prayer we open our hearts to God and pour out our souls before him Let us never be pretentious and hypocritical before God in prayer He sees all and knows all The Lord looketh on the heart God is not interest...
Don Fortner Length: Very Short
...poses in Christ Jesus of grace and salvation may also fail We may look at any piece of machinery that we do not understand and mark the numerous wheels revolving to our limited judgment in direct opposition to each other it may look to the novice as ...
Gilbert Beebe Length: Very Short
...n enabled through divine grace to give up ourselves to the Lord and likewise to one another by the will of God we account it a duty incumbent upon us to make a declaration of our faith and practice to the honour of Christ and the glory of his name kn...
John Gill Length: Very Short
...ions denied salvation by grace without works when he quit eating and fellowshipping with the Gentiles when some Jews arrived at the dinner Yes the strongest of believers will commit any kind of sin So rather than say A believer wouldn t do that let s...
Frank Tate Length: Very Short
...his yours I reply By the grace of God through the merits of Christ revealed by the Spirit of God THROUGH FAITH God said He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life I do believe I sincerely believe in Christ therefore I have eternal life...
Henry Mahan Length: Very Short
...I say through the grace given unto me to every man that is among you not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think but to think soberly according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith Romans 12:3 A friend who is a social wo...
Don Fortner Length: Very Short
... wonder of the growth in grace and in knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ of a weak and frail believer We are told to study to show ourselves approved the Lord has blessed tremendously However there popped into my mind thank you Lord a different solut...
Eileen Beckett Length: Very Short
... by those of a sovereign grace perspective to have both a universal and particular focus depending on the context of usage A universal All refers to all without exception whereas a particular All refers to all of a certain class character or distinct...
Bob Higby Length: Very Short
...part No man can know the grace of GodUntil his heart is broken and torn Until he sees the Lord in all His holiness And himself in all his sin and scorn Like Job who saw himself in dust and ashes And saw God's majesty and might The broken heart will a...
Brandan Kraft Length: Very Short
...a crane The necessity of grace only God is offended if we despise the sufficiency of grace He is jealous for His glory when we attach our efforts to His mercy God repudiates all idea of man working to secure divine pleasure What is this to do with th...
Peter L. Meney Length: Very Short
...e advocates of sovereign grace Although I have in the following letters boldly and unequivocally asserted what I believe to be the truth and although I have endeavored to expose the deceitfulness of the opposite error I hope the reader will find noth...
William Rushton Length: Very Short
... an act of pure and free grace without any motive in the creature: therefore the Apostle saith being justified freely by his grace through the redemption which is in Jesus Christ Eph 1:7 But this benefit would not be of grace but of works was our fai...
John Brine Length: Very Short
...selves to God He bestows grace and pardon on us and we resign up our hearts and affections to him And this is a certain proof that we are interested in the expiatory virtue of the blood of Christ Or else those latter words may be a prevention of an o...
Stephen Charnock Length: Very Short
...assages But as sovereign grace thinkers we know that the word world gr kosmos does not necessarily mean all men universally So does the rod necessarily mean to spank I've heard preachers waste a whole Sunday morning talking about the virtues of spank...
Brandan Kraft Length: Very Short